EVERY MORNING MANTRA: I easily and effortlessly attract magical gifts of abundance, open doors of possibility and new opportunities into my life NOW! And so it is, so it be. Yes, yes, yes! Thank you.
💖Everyone is born with a plan and a purpose that NO ONE but you can achieve.. every experience that you have ever been through is the sum total of your purpose being forged, refined and prepared..
ALL OF YOUR EXPERIENCES ARE CREATING YOUR GOLD MINE-- you do not have to get, be or achieve any thing to be worthy or enough--- you are ALREADY ENOUGH.. You begin to be free from the weight of the past as you begin to reframe the way in which you perceive your experiences. Dig for the gold and collect the pearls of great price.. Before you know it the conditions will be just right and more and more of greatest potentials will emerge..💖Kristy Lee 03.27.17
You should be feeling refreshed and some what lively today with the New Moon in Aries arriving to jump start your week, and your Spring! This is an exciting period of new beginnings, as you launch a fresh cycle in an astrology transit that many believe marks the official beginning of Spring. Your intuition is high today, as is your creative and passionate inspiration. Follow the intuition and inspiration that Aries New Moon is sending you. If you are passionate and driven about it, that's Universe sending you a very big sign. What are your New Moon wishes? It is a great day to set your intentions. 03.28.17 The Aries New Moon energy continues today, and you should be feeling super charged. Don't be afraid to start something new right now. Say yes, it's go! Your intuitions and creative passions are still at an all time high. You want to follow your knowing. If you feel driven to do something, follow it. Psychic energy is very high still one day after a New Moon. Don't be afraid to ask the Universe to send you lots of obvious clues or cues on what to do next. What are you hoping to get signs about today? 03.29.17 The momentum of the week begins to stabilize as the last of the New Moon energy from Monday trickles away. You still have that energy to play with today though. Today the energy also takes a more serious turn, when Mercury in Aries flirts with serious Saturn. Communication matters and any matters related to communication, come to a head. Saturn may remind you of some responsibilities to tend to, while Mercury sends information or news your way with Saturn that helps you to tend to matters. This is not negative energy, but you are having a busy day. What are you working on today? 03.30.17 Yesterday's serious energy is to a drip, as optimistic Jupiter triggers transformational Pluto today. If you are wondering why you feel so buoyant and confident today, there's your answer. This transit has the power and potential to create a big change in your life, and may even send some lucky experiences your way. Your key to succeeding under this transit will be to keep the laws of karma in mind, and be mindful. Good things are rewarded by Jupiter, and with Pluto in play, those good things have the power to change…everything. What wonderful things are you hoping for today? 03:31.17 You are going to start seeing a change in communication measures, as Mercury leaves aggressive warrior Aries and heads into hard working Taurus for a few weeks until April 9th. This will slow down communication channels and set you up for a Mercury retrograde next month. Today you will start to feel a more steady mind, less scattered and aggressive thinking, and clarity of thought in a more balanced way. Your decision making skills will be more grounded and practical for the long haul. Expect completion and rewards for your hard work to pay off in the coming weeks. What are you communicating today? 04.01.17 Today you will need to be on your toes and quick thinking. April Fool's is here! We have the Moon in tricky Gemini, and the Fool's deeds may go a little overboard. With the Moon in tricky Gemini, on April Fool's Day, you're going to be seeing a lot of silliness and fun games. You'll just need to be a little careful over deciding which ones are all in fun, and which ones aren't so much. Logical thought and rational centers prevail today, thank goodness. There is nothing catastrophic in the forecast, but be on your toes! Happy April! Is your inner prancster coming out to play today? 04.02.17 Venus retrograde moves into Pisces until April 15th and this is going to bring us some more empathetic and more sensitive energies. This will be a good boost for relationships, especially if you have been having problems with Venus retrograde in Aries. You'll see less of the "I'm right and you're wrong" mentality, more healing and common ground in love and all partnerships. If you've had any problems with relationships over Venus retrograde in Aries, you will find Venus retrograde in Pisces will make all parties more amenable to compromise and Healing should be favorable here, own your triggers and stay in your own lane. What outcome are you hoping for? Choose peace! ,it is a good time to reflect, go within, disconnect from all outside influences and be extra loving and kind to yourself
The energies have been wild and are going to continue as we move through this next week. Do your best not to grasp ahold of new stories or to play in the energy of the past. It will be much easier to be freed of the grips of the lower energies if you choose to surrender and release release release. Remember that we are ALL SOURCE ENERGY SIMPLY EXPRESSING ITSELF IN THE EXPRESSIONS OF ONE ANOTHER. I love you guys, reach out and let us know how we can serve you. 💜 Kristy Lee Touching the shadow is deep compassion with parts of ourselves we avoid with all we have. Up until now we've heard of having compassion for others but this work is having compassion with rejected parts of ourselves or parts we at all costs avoid seeing.
How can I really have compassion for You if I can't walk in the shoes of parts of myself? see, compassion is not trying to fix or change these parts in me. It's really the opposite of cutting off and rejection. There's no cognitive understanding in shadow work. understanding really separates u from what you are trying to understand. Shadow work is really standing in the shoes of the shadow as in compassion or as in art where we become part of what we are relating to. Like we can't sing a song about depression if we not depressed. Understanding is really still a form of voyeurism. shadow work is more a deeper knowing by becoming something, feeling deep respect and connection to deeply repressed inner parts not knowing it from outside which really disconnects like when we study something. It's indwelling in a part of ourselves that we ourselves do want to see or feel. So shadow work is not feeding the poor; it's feeling poverty. You see feeding the poor is still running from the deep experience of poverty and loss. Shadow work is Not knowing laws out there but feeling what it is like to be treated unjustly. It's not understanding the distraught, it's feeling what it is like to be hopeless. These repressed parts in us seek not to be fixed, but to be heard and innerstood. That's what heals. U see this is what ur shadow is really wanting u to feel deeply within and out of the dreams. It's being fully naked and not using anything to cover up or make up whatever u are down in the undercurrents of that detached cognitive knowing feeling. This is why it is deep knowing...by embodying and experiencing...and nothing that can be caught neatly in a Q&A format. But where the questioner deeply touches and embodies the answer in oneself. I am mourning the crossing of my Dear Aunt. Her services are today. . She has always been so kind to me and my children. To everyone honostly, I can easily describe her as a saint who dedicated her life to loving people and service, her family and everyone lucky enough to know her or cross paths. It's been a really long time sense we have talked or seen one another. It makes me feel really sad. I didn't look forward to the future far enough to recognize that a day like this would be here this soon or that the chance of connecting with her in this timeline would one day no longer an option. I am doing my best to be present with the moment, yet, my mind is racing from the past to the future. I am going back and forth between tender memories and into awefulizing future family scenarios. Days like today do not happen very often not to this extent anyways. I know what I am experiencing isn't even all related to the sadness I feel about Aunt Barbaras time upon Earths Mother being complete for this life cycle. It's more of a deep inner calling to heal ancient wounds. Part of me wants to climb into my bed, wrap myself tightly in my covers and close my eyes. Tears and more tears trickle dawn my face instead, I am crying for babies, children, adolescents, young women, women, for mothers, for grandmothers, for great grandmothers, boys, young boys, teenage boys, young men, men. Fathers, grandfathers, great grandfathers, for all generations from the point of creation and for all future generations to follow. For all beings, creatures, birds, fowl, Earth Mother, the Universe and beyond. Agonizing cries are rising up from deep within my womb, with force traveling upward to be released, some of the sounds feel primal, almost a screech, if any noice at all, some ancient, some very young and some that are new. My head feels like it might explode, I am. It sure my heart will hold up. I continue to cry anyways. I cry for out for every child that was hurt by their mother or fathers. I cry for the pain I have inflicted on others. I cry because I can't recreate the experiences to be any different. Not any of it, I cry because i know what pain feels like and it feels ugly to know that I was a part of hurting someone else. I cry because my understanding is limited by my perspective and I am sure throughout many lifetimes I've been a participant in hurting more people then i could even possibly know. I cry, I surrender. I cry for every parent that hurt their child. I cry for every human that has been removed from their families and have had to find a way to live with the pain and emotional wreckage. I cry for elders who are isolated and alone. For all of the people in the prison systems, refugee camps, homeless, in institutes and hospitals. Hungry, rejected, abandoned, alone, forsaken. Anyone who is hurting. I cry for the collective shadow., the collective ego, the pain of feeling separation from Source-Creator, the split in the collective psyche. i cry for the dominant Divine Masculine and the rise of the Divine Feminine, the current wobble, the chaos, and the eventual return to Order. I surrender and now choose to release all story lines... I surrender to all of the pain.. I surrender to attempting to control, I surrender. I surrender. I surrender. I surrender. If, you believe that God is born as a man and wants to unite mankind in the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, he must suffer the terrible torture of having to endure the world in all its reality. This is the cross he has to bear, and he himself is a cross. The whole world is God’s suffering, and every individual man who wants to get anywhere near his own wholeness knows that this is the way of the cross.~Carl Jung, Psychology and Religion, Pages 178-179. 15 things I learned from Old Faithful.
As a child my parents provided several family vacations. One of my favorite vacations was to travel into Yellowstone national park. It was mysterious and super cool and exciting. I loved seeing all of the wild animals, the hot pots and especially loved Old Faithful. Old faithful demanded respect, if visitors where to get too close there was a high risk for injury. You see, Old Faithful continuously builds pressure beneath the earths surface, eventually the pressure increases and then it shoots super hot water high up into the sky, and after the release it bubbles up beneath the earths surface until the pressure builds and again and again the cycles repeat. Today, I asked myself what did experiencing Old Faithful have in store as a lesson or teaching that we can relate to life as part of learning about our human experience. Here are 13 things I was shown. 1. If you let the pressure build, eventually you will explode. 2. At the moment of explosion, it won't matter who is in the way they will get burnt. 3. Don't push people beyond their comfort zone. 4. If you stand above someone who is in a high emotional charged state, you will risk being injured. Back up, let them process their own stuff. 5. You can not control the nature of someone else's life. 6. Release pent up anger and steam, don't let it build. 7. Pay attention. The higher meanings of Life is always doing its best to communicate with you through your experiences. 8. Nature is your greatest teacher. 9. Learn to be still. 10. Be open to learn. 11. We all need to vent and let off steam. Let the venting end here. 12. It's more about the journey and all of the lessons then it is about bitching about the experiences. Life is a gift, view it as one. 13. Respect one another in every expression, so what if someone let off steam. See the beauty in the release. 14. Let go of the explosion and hold on to the beauty of life. 15. We all have an explosion point. I am sure if I continue to ponder I will find a lot more, for now, I will close.. 💜 Kristy Lee My Aunt Barbara crossed over into the Heavenly Realms today, she is special to me and I want to share my tribute to her life and some of the memories she instilled upon my life.
Aunt Barbara greeted everyone with a hug and a smile. She embodied Charity, patience and loving kindness that was ever present and gifted to everyone she connected with. Sweet memories will forever remain from times of being a guest at Aunt Barbaras and Uncle Keith's home with their children, my Cousins. some of my favorite is learning how to churn cream into butter, her love for baking pies and rolls and her finesse in cooking delicious meals for her large family and anyone else who stopped in to visit. Lots of kids, Running in and out of the house as we visited the wide variety of all the farm animals, ranging from horses to kittens and almost every kind in between. I loved listening to Aunt Barbara share her experiences of serving the Navajo families, her memories created a beautiful energy signature of deep respect, love and honor. One Christmas, Aunt Barbra rounded up some of her children and grandchildren and surprised my family with the 12 days of Christmas. Each day we where met with a knock on the door, upon answering, on the front porch set a specially selected gift, echoes of laughter and love emanating in the air as they hurried away as a way to keep the Magic of Christmas's giving a secret. Aunt Barbara gifted me words of wisdom and heartfelt compassion during times in my life where I had lost direction. I knew she wanted me to choose a better way of being, yet, she held sacred space in a way of being free of shame and full of loving kindness. Aunt Barbara will continue to live on in our hearts and beautiful memories. Her legacy forever seared with her expression and embodiment of her tender loving mercy, kindness and goodwill towards all. Aunt Barbara, enjoy your homecoming with friends and family who crossed into the heavenly realms before you. This is not a final goodbye, just a temporary adjustment for all of us here upon Earths plain as we finish up the Divine plan designed for our lives journey. I love you.. It would be impossible to eliminate memories from the past, however, we have the ability to reframe memories, if you are in the habit of replaying the past in a way that is creating stress, pain, anger, resentment and fear, you can recreate replays that resemble strength, wisdom, courage, compassion, peace, joy, happiness and love. Only use your past as a tool to mine for gold and locate the pearls of great price, release any and all attachment that hold any part of a victim mindset.
Your past, present and future reality holds infinite possibilities and potentials, choose to increase your inner awareness, be mindful and selective of the words you speak, the emotions you feel, the thoughts you think and the ways in which you act and engage within your life, surround yourself with positive and uplifting people, be selective with what you watch and read and listen to. In the NOW you can begin to shift your reality to what ever parallel you choose. The power is within you. 🌟Kristy Lee Today's question fot the ask Kristy Lee Segement is "what is the dangers of energy healing.....
From my point of perspective, we are all made up of energy, we simply have just slowed down in vibration to a speed that allows us to take on a physical form. Energy Healing is an ancient art. It is used all through out the Eastern World and within the Asian coltures. In the western world, modalities such as acupuncture and acupressure have been utilized and accepted for a very long time and if you where to research statistics you would find many cases of effective evidence where viable treatment assisted with full healings. Now to answer your questions:, I do not have any concerns about energy healing. When I awakened to Energy Healing, I had absolutely no training or previous knowledge of what Energy Healing was, standing in my kitchen I willed my back through a stern command to heal, my bones to heal, pain to be gone and full mobility to return, it worked. Immediately. Previous to this day I had suffered for 9 months following a fracture to my l-5 S1 vertebrae, a level 2 spinal stenosis, had lost feeling in my right leg and had a drop foot, I was in 24 hour a day torture and agony, in pain management, on heavy prescribed pain medications, no relief, I believed my life was over but I wasn't 100 % convinced. I wasn't sure what to do because of the ententese pain and quickly deteriorating mobility, the orthopedic team wanted to do an invasive surgery, truthfully, I was terrified to let someone cut into my back, after all, what if they cut my spinal cord? Surely, that would mean, paralyzed and it seemed way too frightening to take that chance. By the 9 month of suffering, I had had enough, and that was the day I mentioned above about my kitchen. From the moment I was instantly healed, I set out like a fool to tell others that healing worked and soon was witnessing a line of people wanting to see if I could help them as well. Sense the beginning, I have witnessed 1000’s of spontaneous Energy Healings and have sense figured out how to connect to the energies of anyone no matter where they where located around the world and I have very seldom not witnessed results. It took a while to understand what I was doing and how to read Energy and understand what came through intuitively. Of course I have taken different healing modalities and picked up a license or two, but, here is the thing, it works, you can not convince me that it holds any danger. I for one am convinced that it is the safest form of healing available. If you are curious, give it a shot, start with something like a Reiki session, and you be the judge! I can promise you one thing, if you go into your Energy Healing Session with an open mind and a little bit of a willingness to believe that it is possible to assist, the willingness alone is your key to proven success. Many blessings, 💜Kristy Lee Be sure to submit an email with your question, [email protected]. you are able to stay anonymous if you choose, of course if you are open I will include it being addressed to you, until next segment of ask Kristy Lee- be blessed and take excellent care of yourself.. "Life is like a colidascope, its constantly Shifting shapes, Patterns & Form, find the beauty, it is aBundant and ever present" I have been searching for answers in regards to the law of mirrors for a very long time. I love to map my past experiences in a way of understanding what mindset created my experiences and what mindsets changed my experiences dramatically. I began having very clear vision into mapping relationships and mindsets for others for the last few years, this week I had this most profound ah'ha" moment delivered with clarity like never before, I am excited to have more clarity and to share it with you. If this concept seems like stuff that seems a bit far fetched to grasp ahold of the concept, I can promise you that if you set the intention to know the truth and to understand your experiences at a higher dimensional level, higher truth principles will begin to be understandable for you too...
some of you may already have this completely understood, I am excited and hope you share too... here is what I received a little more clarity within.. remember we are all on earth to learn. No one has all of the answers, but, we all have some. You are only ever in relationship with your own consciousness, by resolving the conflict within yourself, you resolve the conflict within the way that you perceive the person you are in conflict with. Nothing is ever occurring outside of consciousness. All relationships are within your own concepts, projections, reflections, conditions, values, ideas, perceptions and within the way you interpret it. If you want to have great relationships, resolve the misconception within yourself in any way you view others in any way that is less than Divine. In order to see lasting shifts it has to be a deep inner shift, it takes true and honest soul searching, reframe the way you view others, see others with Divine love, pure love, unconditional love, this is the what frees you from conflict and you become free. This doesn't mean to drop boundaries or not to hold others accountable, it's about choosing the way you view others. It's more in Transformation within your relationship with yourself and as a result you will see remnants of the way you treat yourself mirrored back to you within the people you connect with. It only takes ONE to see through the eyes of Love and truth to change the All.. people can only ever reside within the size of a box that you place them within, if you release the box and see others with the perfection of INFINITE LOVE, you will then witness them within the eyes of INFINITE Loved PERFECTION 💜💜💜 You are always only experiencing others through the lens of your perception, therefore experiencing different dimensions of others based on the dimension of you're perception and the way to experience others in the higher dimensions is by changing the relationships within yourself and the way you see them.. you are powerful and hold this kind of power, it just takes an earnest effort and deep soul work, but it is possible.. 💜💜💜 |
© 2011 All Rights Reserved Wheels of Light- Kristy Lee
AuthorKristy Lee is a Intuitive Energy Practicionor who is a strong channel. She writes as a way of giving her experiences a voice to bring forth Healing unto the nations. sharing her journey opens space for you to share yours. Archives
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