Relationships generally come together because all parties have enough of a similar resonance within their field of energy.
The field of energy is like a record keeper that records things such as emotions, pain, dna imprints, RNA imprints, relationships, relationships to nature, animals, wants, desires, fields of interest, study, past experiences, current experiences, curiosities, friends in common, similarities tastes in music , similar interest in career, or food, mind sets, similar trauma’s, school of thoughts, religious beliefs, cultural similarities, physical interests, Soul lessons, contracts, Karmic loops and or vows etc.. if someone has a high amount of vibrational resonance the relationship often times will feel familiar, even like a home coming so to speak. Or exactly opposite and will Work as a repellent. If the similarities are running in the background, or subconscious mind on one of the individuals and in the awareness of the conscious mind of the other individual they most often repel one another or ricochet apart. As they act like mirrors for one another. The subconscious programs running in an un-resolved fashion can become really wonky as they gravitate towards a similar program running in the other. UNLESS the individuals awakens an awareness in the other. Kind of like two magnets with the same side facing one another or the two sides that gravitate towards one another. Every time a new person enters the arena or group the group as a whole goes through a wobble. Meaning there has to be enough of similarities to all come together however, each person has differences too. What happens is each person within the group has an opportunity to accept the programs running in the person who is entering into the groups field of energy or reject it. Same goes for the person entering into the group. ALL OF WHICH IS RUNNING IN THE BACKGROUND - aka field of energy- and for the most part sub-consciously. As the group experiences the wobble a couple of things can happen. One, some of the group may gravitate closer to one another. Two, some of the group may take a break. Three, the group may break apart. Four, Everyone will adopt one another’s Vibrational resonance and the groups wobble will balance & harmonize again. . Now for the Soul lessons, contacts, Karmic loops, vows part of it. Soul lessons, Soul contracts, Karmic loops, and vows are visible in ones field of energy, aka, Akashic realms. It is not some library in some far away library in the Heavenly spheres that is guarded by librarians, however, it is guarded by the persons Spirit team, it’s written in the energy that one emanates in ones field. This portion is extremely layered and complex and for the sake of time I will give a tiny example now & write a series of blogs on the topic at later times. One example is a person who has signed up for a soul lesson to reclaim there power in this life span they will attract people towards them that are running a program that disempowers people. The goal behind it is to have the conditions become so uncomfortable & frustrating that they will eventually say NO MORE, draw the line in the sand and learn how to take back their power. OR, the person might become even more disempowered & will cling on to the cycle of disempowerment which will continue on with the person or people who is currently in their life or bring in a another similar relationship or relationships. cycles will most likely repeat themselves until the lessons are understood. The cool part is that one can actually learn the lessons through conscious awareness and energy work Clear the patterns and be step into a new trajectory. Action steps and mindset changes are often needed to accompany the shift. As humans we are often caught in the mental mind chatter plane of existence and are either unaware of, unable or unwilling to explore the energetics or sub-conscious programs that are running behind the scenes & creating the experiences in our relationships or reality. Karmic loops in simple terms is re-creating the same patterns over and over again from the original energies that created the pattern in the first place. Vows are literally vowing to never do or always do something or to never or always experience something or someone. (Huge topic) As you can see relationships are composed of much more than meets the eye or conscious mind so to speak. Taking a step back and choosing to inner reflect to locate what is going on just beneath ones level of conscious awareness or being assisted by another who is able to read the subtleties in the energy field & locate sub-conscious programs, core beliefs and pain imprints can be really helpful for navigating life and relationships as well. you are ALWAYS in relationship between YOU and YOU— everyone else is simply put here to assist you in the way you in awakening & in the relate to yourself. Much Love, Kristy Lee Akashic Reader Energy Worker
Sharing what worked for you to obtain your level of business success with a person who is attempting to create similar results is only helpful if the person perceives you as successful and is open to receiving your guidance.
In a Soul Aligned business the road to success may be similar however it will be very unique on an individual level as the business is an extension of yourself and no two people have had the exact same life lessons or past & present experiences to learn and develop skill sets through nor is anyone at the exact same spot with inner healing and conscious awareness. If someone is open and willing to receive from you it is very possible to help guide, hold space, illuminate strengths, overcome perceived weaknesses and bounce ideas in which can be extremely beneficial for business growth. Unsolicited advice often times frustrates both parties. Remember, not everyone that crosses your path is meant for you to share your insights with. Stay open to receive and the ones who ARE will arrive. if you found yourself giving advise or sharing your knowledge with someone who wasn’t open to receiving what you shared, do your best to forgive yourself. Take a look at the energy signature that accompanied the interaction. Learn from the encounter and next time hold back on sharing without being asked. It may be a good time to practice listening skills. Also, ask yourself if there was a part of you that felt superior or small in the presence of the person you shared the experience with. Love on that aspect of yourself. Awareness is key my friends. Much Love, Kristy Lee #lifelessons #learnthroughpolarity #soulalignedbusiness #forgiveyourself #listeninstead Ladies stop giving yourself away to men that are not capable of being there for you. Spend some time healing & exploring the parts of yourself that is drawn into the energy signatures that attract you to these kind of relationships instead and get to the bottom of what keeps you in a cycle of putting your hope into something being different the next time you go after the breadcrumbs.
You are worth more then being treated like a backseat girl. A side chick. Ignored. Lied to. Cheated on. Played. Manipulated. A sexual toy. Disrespected. A toss away. Etc. Etc etc... That one sweet text isn’t worth answering. That invitation to spend the night that has led to days in the past that leave you feeling empty and wondering why he’s not answering the phone or returning your texts is an invitation to TURN TOWARDS YOURSELF in an honoring manner and not back in his bed. I am not by any means blaming you for being treated poorly by anyone because you didn’t cause anyone to act disrespectful to you. However, I am encouraging you to draw a line in the sand. Say NO, No, Not me. NO FREAKIN MORE .. I AM worth more than this.. take some time off from relationships, Work through what ever is going on within yourself that keeps you returning for more. I myself engaged in a toxic relationship off and on for years. Every time I received a tiny bit of attention from the guy I fell for it with a thought of this “time would be different.” However, the outcome was eventually the same. It wasn’t until I discovered the energy signature that drew me into that relationship was very similar to the energy signature that I attributed to being love that was formed through being in chaotic environments as a child that I broke the tie permanently and began healing & discovering what was once hidden within me. It breaks my heart to witness woman repeating painful patterns while going after men that treat them like crap. Ladies you are worth more than this. Please choose you and do all that it takes to break the cycles that are keeping you here. OWN YOUR WORTH & if you struggle to know your worth turn back towards yourself & make a commitment to become your own best friend. You are stronger than you realize and worthy of being treated like a Queen. Please, please, please CHOOSE YOU. i am here to support you. Much Love, Kristy Lee If a person is not able to be with their own emotional pain often times they are unable to hold presence for another person who is experiencing emotional pain as it can work as a trigger to bring up that which is suppressed. If the go to pattern has been to run away from emotional pain the pattern often presents itself while in the presence of another persons emotional pain.
Emotional pain requires expression (Emoted) in order to clear. Running away from emotional pain causes the emotions to lodge in the physical body, cellular memory, pain body and emotional body & overtime reeks havoc on ones physical & mental health and can even create Soul loss and eventually death. Not being understood or supported from others during times of emotional pain often creates feelings of isolation and a deep sense of feeling alone even if the person is surrounded by others. Emotions are created in the organs. For example anger is created in the liver. Sadness and grief in the lungs. Tears form in the lungs. Heart hurts literally hurt the heart. Broken heart syndrome is actually a real bi-product of broken-heartedness. Learning to be present with ones own pain is a process especially if one was taught early on how to suppress it by what was modeled through the adults in ones life, force or expectation. By bringing awareness to anything it has an opportunity to broaden ones perspective and eventually shift consciousness. My hope is that as a collective we will become more aware of our inner worlds & really learn how to be more present with ourselves and in turn will be able to show up for others in more compassionate & sustainable ways. If you are experiencing emotional distress and the people in your life are not able to hold space for your pain I pray you do your best not to turn their inability to be present with you as something wrong with yourself. Emotions are very much apart of the human experience. If you are seeking support from someone who can hold space and presence for what you are experiencing I am available to support you. Much Love, Kristy Lee If the people in your life do not value your presence and care about your wellbeing they are NOT your people.
Cut the cords. Call back your power. Give yourself time and space to heal and to grieve the ending of how the relationships once were. Realign to your values & Gift yourself radical self care. Choosing you may be one of the hardest decisions you will ever make but one of the most empowering. I am passing along what one of my Dearest friends encouraged me to do a few years back “OWN your WORTH” No matter your past or your current state of being you are WORTHY of being honored & cherished. #chooseYOU #ownurELIXIR #OWNurWORTH iif you are not sure how to cut cords of attachments, call back your power and or desire being supported through learning how to own your worth I would love to support you. Much Love, Kristy Lee Using your body as a pendulum .. is super helpful as a tool to help navigate life...
1. Ground 2. Make sure you are in your body. (If you are not in your body it’s difficult to receive accurate results) 3. Facing North Stand in a position similar to what is depicted in the picture above.. 4. Ask yourself yes and no questions. 5. If your body sways forward it’s a YES. 6. If your body sways backwards it’s a NO. Expand your quest out a little bit and take inventory of your life.... What IS for you draws you towards it and what is NOT for you repels or pushes you away.. it doesn’t mean that the person, message, activity, place or thing isn’t FOR someone else ... it’s simply NOT for YOU... If you are new to this Be patient with yourself while you are learning. Sometimes it helps to have someone who is familiar with the process help you out while learning to do it yourself. Remember, it’s okay to ask for assistance and hey, TRUST YOURSELF! Much Love, kristy Lee After very little sleep last night I awoke this morning in a crappy mood. I knew I had a busy day ahead & if I didn’t take time to sort myself out it probably wouldn’t turn out so well.
I lit a candle, sat down in front of my alter and began to pray. ... Soon I heard “everything is real & nothing is real & everything is real..” repeating itself in my mind. Some how I began to see it as a paradox of sorts which it then made sense to me to infuse both ends with Infinite Love, Grace and Gratitude. After maybe 3 to 5 minutes of repeating “Infinite, Love, Grace & Gratitude to everything that is real and everything that is not real on every layer and level known & unknown, Infinite Love, Grace & Gratitude.” My Spirit lightened. My mind was clear & I was at peace and ready to engage the day. As I am writing this it’s night fall & soon I will be tucked away in bed. As I reflect upon the day I can honestly say that today turned out to be pretty amazing and I sense had I not taken the time to pray this morning the outcome would have been very different. With Infinite Love, Grace and Gratitude, Kristy Lee #prayerworks #InfiniteLove #Grace #Gratitude This might sound like a concept that at first you will instantly want to reject and you may reject it forever.
I am okay with that. So here it goes... Instead of attempting to cast inner demons out— I say feed them! And not just a tiny snack. Or a half eaten sandwich. Feed them with every bit of loving kindness that you would feed your very best friend. You see, you can’t cast yourself out of yourself and therefore attempting to cast out an inner demons creates a split in the psyche which in turn becomes a shadow aspect that rises up and haunts you through your experiences, relationships, and your relationship with yourself and most often within a state of unconsciousness that is defended by the ego that does everything in its power to keep you safe. In order to harmonize ones Psyche it’s necessary to accept all parts of oneself. For me I refer to the different parts of a psyche as aspects or expressions. We all have parts of ourselves that rise up and express themselves in many different ways. We have ones we most prefer and others we might wish that they didn’t exist. It isn’t always easy to be present with some of them. However, holding space and presence for every single part of ourselves is what leads to wholeness. Even the parts of ourselves that we would want to demonize. Even the parts of ourselves that in the past expressed itself in ways we would not want anyone else in the whole entire world to know about. Even the parts of ourselves that is struggling from time to time. Even the one that feels anger, sadness, despair, grief, jealousy, rage, insecure, embarrassed, shameful, disappointment. The mean girl. The bad ass. The one who may have participated in sexual acts that admitting to feels worst than death. The one that drank too much. Used drugs. The one that are too much. Too little. Thinks it’s fat. Too thin. Ugly. The one who was rejected. Abandoned, teased, left behind. Critical, syndical, hateful, moody. Lazy. and on and on... Life is made up of many different experiences and within each experience there is a scale that is often weighed as good or bad with a smorgasbord or emotional charges. I have come to perceive experiences as preferred or not preferred in a polarized existence. With every emotion and feeling as valid. As well as all expressions worthy of loving kindness. And if I can’t be loving or kind to a part of myself that I wish that didn’t exist, I have made a promise to myself to no longer be my own abuser. Instead of attempting to cast inner demons out of oneself I say feed them. Hold space and give them presence. From my point of perspective This is the ticket to unification of Mind, Body, Spirit and Soul. With Infinite Love, Grace and Gratitude, Kristy Lee If our life is not perfect it’s very easy to blame our parents, partner, friends, or even x’s or other conditions that are seemingly wrong. However, by blaming someone or something else we give away all of our power. Whereby taking complete accountability for ones own state of being is the power point.
It’s not easy to break disempowering patterns & habits however through commitment & earnest practice it is attainable. Here are some of the ways that I empower myself. I do not have it all figured out as it’s a process that is multi-layered & there is always something else to become consciously aware of within the way I process life & about myself. however, I am committed to my own wellbeing. 📍 be mindful of self-talk 📍 be mindful of how you talk about your life 📍 be mindful of who you engage in conversations with. 📍 be mindful of who you spend time with 📍 learn to say no 📍 affirm to yourself that you are worthy 📍 affirm to yourself that you are well 📍 do not deny darker emotions 📍 learn to be present with all parts of yourself including the ones you wish didn’t exist 📍 concentrate on being willing to learn more about yourself & your patterns 📍 take time to learn about your limiting beliefs & re-write them into beliefs about yourself & your life that are life gifting 📍 pray 📍 meditate 📍 choose YOU 📍 Speak lovingly to yourself while looking deeply in your eyes in the mirror 📍Hug a tree 📍 Spend time in nature 📍Walk 📍 Salt baths 📍 Defuse essential oils 📍yoga 📍 Make self care a priority 📍Conscious Breathing 📍Healing tones 📍Be willing to turn your life over to a power greater than yourself that is within 📍 Take a step back before responding to engaging in arguments or bated conversations 📍 Work with a coach Believe in yourself YOU CAN DO IT! With Infinite Love, Grace & Gratitude, Kristy Lee The 7 Estein Law’s of mirrors states that - Everything begins and ends with YOU! These principles have been taught throughout many spiritual traditions.and teachings throughout time. The First and Second Laws of Mirrors are about Relationships. FIRST MIRROR : Shows how we appear in the moment or what we reflect to others in the moment. What we are radiating in the moment. It reveals your current vibration. When patterns of anger, fear, blame, hostility, unrest, etc keep showing up in our lives this mirror can show us our internal truth in the moment. In other words like attracts like! You get what you give reap what you sow etc. SO if your suppressing anger you will attract a like response in others. On a day that I is just plain old yuck for me, I hit every single traffic light and people just seem to be asses! One of those days that the world just sucks. SECOND MIRROR: This mirror is of a similar quality, but it’s more subtle. It shows to us that which we judge in the moment. This mirror will bring to us people and events that we have a judgment against. For instance if you were judgmental about religious people or those who struggle with drugs. these type of people will be brought before you in such a way to show you your unwillingness to let go of your judgment. THIRD MIRROR: Reflects something we think we Lost, Gave Away, or had Taken Away. When we see something we love and desire in another, it is often something we think we have lost, given away or had stolen from us. Every relationship is really only a relationship with our self and we often try to reclaim what was lost, we gave away, or had taken away as a child. It could be joy, innocence, honesty and integrity, courage or love. All of which can be reclaimed by realizing nothing was really taken! This can be a hard concept to accept! But can someone steal your joy, innocence, honesty and integrity, courage or love? We often believe this to be stolen but in reality; if we look within we find that our belief in this theft is an illusion. This can be a hard concept to accept, However, until we see that nothing was actually taken from us, we will attract people and events into our lives to give us the choice to see through the illusion or accept it’s seeming reality. Grace gives us many opportunities but it up to us to recognize them as such! Forgiveness comes upon this recognition followed by the return of the peace love and joy we thought was stolen! Amazing Grace indeed! FOURTH MIRROR: Reflects back to us our most forgotten love. This could be a way of life, a lost or unfinished relationship. Often it is a past life where a wrong conclusion from past experience was created. These will recreate themselves over and over until the right conclusion is registered in the soul as wisdom. This can cause addiction or compulsion. FIFTH MIRROR: reflects back to us Father/Mother. It is often said we marry our father or mother. We also often become them acting out the same healthy and unhealthy patterns we learned as a child. Our fathers and mothers to us as children are Gods, the granters and barrers of our life. It will often reflect the same relationship we have with others and the Father/Mother God principle. The Divine Mother and Father relationship or our relationship to GOD is often mirrored to us by our earthly parents. SIXTH MIRROR: This mirror shows us what is often referred to as Dark Night of the Soul. This is when we meet our greatest challenges and our greatest fears. Many refer to this experience as “hitting rock bottom”. Each person will have a unique experience that will test their resolve for life itself. The dark night of the soul can become a temptress what're we may fill like dyeing and some are lost to suicide, it takes grate strength to face this challenge. It may be a death of a loved one or the loss of a career. Anything that we are most attached to as a concept of who we are will be stripped from us in this mirror to show us the falseness of this concept. God never gives one any more than they can handle and we have a choice in every experience to greet it as a powerful manifesting God/Goddess or a victim. If we see it through, our lives will be changed forever by this stripped sense of self. It is the pain of a re birth that is soon to follow! I know for me personally from relationships ending at the close of pre-birth contracts, loss of children and at the end of a job I associated as being me. Once I surrendered into the abyss, I began to have shift into other events that showed me a new paradigm that was necessary to make my life functional. SEVENTH MIRROR: reflects back to us our self perception. Others will perceive and treat us according to how we perceive and treat ourselves. If we have a low self-esteem and do not acknowledge our own wisdom and beauty, others will not acknowledge it either. If we are angry, bitter and unloving to others, they will in turn react in the same way towards us. Sound like the Law of Attraction? It IS! Can you see also the connection to many biblical or other spiritual teachings here? The whole basis of a spiritual teaching is simply this: If we change our perception of ourselves, we change our perception of the world. It is NOT the world that needs to change, but the perception of myself in it! Accomplish this and the World is changed before our very eyes! Could the 7 Estein law of Mirrors assist you to Know Thyself!? You are precious. Your body is sacred and who you share it with should be a sacred choice.
Many of my clients are women. Some of which come to me at the ending of a relationship or with desires of meeting that special somebody to share their life with. I am all about having sacred unions and partnerships, but, I am more about building that sacred relationship with yourself first. Here is the reason why; if you build a relationship with yourself first you will attract a higher alignment in the men that you attract. If you are clear on who you are you attract men that are clear about who they are. If you respect yourself the men you choose respect you at a higher level. If you have strong boundaries you do not de-self in a relationship and you stay true to your needs, wants and desires. If you are clear on your value system you don't waver within your values in a relationship and you will not feel like you have become a sacrificial lamb, instead you will feel honored, cherished, valued and adored. A relationship is a a wonderful addition to your life but it isn't going to complete you if you enter into a union out of lack of feeling complete you will only feel more empty when your partner isn't able to sustain momentum with meetings your needs. If you are already feeling complete you do not require your partners opinion or treatment to make you feel whole. You have balance within and the relationship is a bonus. Two consciously aware people are able to communicate openly, take accountability for their own feelings and communicate needs in a way that gives choices and options. Projections are rare, disappointments open room for inner growth and communication is done in a way of non-blame and without judgement. This kind of a relationship is open, fair, honoring, balanced harmonious and full of growth. You are special and hold sacred value, you are a women with a sacred womb, your womb holds the most powerful energies and is the seat of your soul. You are worthy and deserving of greatness. Spend time with you. Explore yourself deeply. Get clear about your likes and desires. Understand your body and its messages. Cherish you, honor you, love you. You are WORTHY. Much love, kristylee💖StarFire three questions for inner clarity..Shared from 21 day challenge with Deepak Chopra..I invite you to explore the inner makings of your world and to choose and harmony.. After years of chaos and confusion I began to search for better ways of living a more harmonious life. It is my life passion to share with you techniques that work for me and to bare witness that living with mind-body-spirit balance is available for you too. By connecting with my true self, in meditation and in every day life, the less lonely i feel. I feel less needy and more generous. I feel more present in my being and that my soul is present in me in every day life. That I have got a deeper, more stable sense of me. That I am good enough. I have made the counsious decistion to stop blame myself. Satsang: Finding Joyful Communion ~ One way I can make my interactions even more positive and uplifting is to have one-on-one time to really connect with my friends and soul family. Even if it is for a short time often the most meaningful interactions can be short lived but last a lifetime. Taking those moments when doing something routine or mundane can have a meaningful experience. Connecting with the eyes and looking into someones soul can have a positive effect. It's the power of now and really that is all there is. So much of life today is people rushing around going from one event to another. While they are in the event they are thinking about the next event. Not really fully experiencing where they’re at. The gift is in the moments between the moments, the stillness, the slowing down the tiny things you notice when your stop and recognize that this is 'it' this is the gratitude in these moments, this will lead to joyful communion, that will lead to bigger things. Often when a person is seen they can feel the connection right away and a beautiful energy can be projected out and into the heart of another person. Children recognize this right away. Watch a child who isn't getting enough attention and they act out. They are looking for that deeper connection. Now watch them when you slow down enough to just watch and 'be' around them. Look at the them without saying anything and just notice them. When I do this I find that it's inspiring and adds to more positivity into my life! It's that moment when they know that, they are being seen and heard. Here’s to finding joy like the centering thought and mantra teaches us today with Satsangs ’ I am uplifted by communion with others. ~and ~ Let us be together in harmony. I am sharing with you the following questions that Deepak Chopra shared during a recent 21 day meditation challenge.. Question 1: Reflect on your path in life from the inside out. What influences have been the most effective in expanding your awareness? Write down the three most important, such as an inspiring friend or family member, uplifting literature, a spiritual guide, a mentor, a situation where you acquired any of the qualities of the true self, such a love, peace, creativity, compassion, personal evolution, etc. Now journal about new ways to increase that Question 2: Now think about the opposite, reflecting on the people and situations that have caused your awareness to contract. These would be instances of fear, self-doubt, inner conflict, betrayal, frustration, and disappointment. Write down the three most difficult influences, then describe one step you can take today to turn contraction into expansion, meaning that what you gain by making a change is greater than what you give up. This could be increased inner calm, decreased stress, a stronger sense of self, etc. Question 3: The ideal at every stage of the path is to be at peace with yourself in the present moment. Write down your state of peace right now, listing the positive things that contribute to it and the negative factors that create lack of peace. Journal about how you can increase the peace in your life and decrease conflict. many blessings to you.. from my heart to yours.. ❤️ "peace begins within... when you world reflects chaos, turn towards yourself with love and compassion.. be willing to love and accept yourself , understand chaos is simply an alarm alerting you to shift direCtions and nurture your soul". Much love, from my heart to are never alone.. even in your darkest hours.. peace that surpasses all understanding be upon you ..Beloveds, This is Earth School! No matter the challenges and struggles, we must find peace within our hearts and walk with Loving tenderness. This is Earth School. Some come to learn, others to teach. Some are warriors. Others are peacemakers. Some walk with great faith and become personifications of Loving hope. Others are learning about the material world and mistakenly embrace greed and power. They have forgotten Love. No matter who we are, our time here is finite but our Spiritual existence is Infinite and Eternal. While we are here we must honor and celebrate each other, Love each other and cherish each other as beings connected in Love. Today honor family, friends and strangers. Share compassion. Forgive with humility. Make Peace with All. Our time to be here may be short but in leaving we are never alone. Those who return before us to Heaven, our angel ancestors await us---just as they live always in our hearts and soar through the Uni-Verse unlimited or restricted by physical bodies assisting us. Let Us Honor the Lives of ALL those whom we admired, respected or Loved who have left the Earth Realm. Grace lives through them and through us. There is nothing but Love. Love is Grace in action. This is Earth School. Please Re-Member Love...release any and all painful experiences.. Ten Times Breathe In Love. Exhale Love. In Love. Out Love. In Love. Out Love. In Love. Out Love. Be Love...and Live Only with Love in Your Hearts Today! All of my love from my heart to yours, Always, Kristy Lee Peace is Possible through Compassion, Forgiveness, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Respect, Understanding and--- The Grace of Love! let's talk about grief..Grief is the voice that speaks to you about loss, about love interupted. The true message of grief is that you must be brave enough to love again, to reach out to others and fill up your life and your being with love once again. Love is the core essence of who you really are, your connection to the Divine. You cannot be whole without it. It doesn't matter who you love or what you love. Only that you extend love outward Life comes with lots of little surprises and sometimes they come wrapped in painful packages. Many of us where not tought how to be in the discomfort of emotional pain and as a result we do all we can to avoid it. Let's take a look at some of the reasons avoidance isn't such a good idea...
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the body, mind and spirit are treated as one, with each aspect influencing the other. Emotional distress consequently effects the physical body and physical injury can induce emotional instability. We have all experienced grief at some point in our lives. Whether it is the loss of a loved one, a pet, or a failed relationship, experiencing grief is part of being human. Emotions are natural and when expressed freely, will not cause lasting damage. It is when we internalize emotions, or get stuck in a repetitive pattern that we have the potential to create an imbalance. According to Chinese Medicine the Lungs control respiration, dominate our Qi and are connected to the emotion of grief. Our lungs take in fresh oxygen and energy from the external environment and through exhale release waste and build up from the body. Grief is said to “consume the Qi.” When we experience prolonged, intense grief or sadness, we may experience physical symptoms. Physical symptoms of disharmony in the Lungs would include shortness of breath, asthma, allergies, sweating, fatigue, coughing, frequent colds/flu and dry skin. Grieving is a necessary process. We must allow ourselves to go through all the stages of grieving before we can return to a state of joyfulness. This process is personal and multi-layered. It is important to remember to take time out and breath deeply while grieving. Energy healing can be utilized as one unique tool in the grieving process by stimulating energy maridians and pressure points that strengthen the Lung (Metal meridian) and calm the mind. It can help ease the path to renewed joy by offering not only a place for your body to heal but a quiet time of reflection. Your lungs and heart sustain your life. When you are experiencing grief, you may be closed off to sharing love, your heart and lungs begin to deteriorate. Again, Deep grief affects your lungs and heart. If you experienced loss, betrayal, or rejection, healing increases as we express love. You can intellectually know that someone loves you. You can experience demonstrations of that love. But, you cannot FEEL their love. The only way to actually FEEL love is to express it yourself. When you are in a state of love, your heart chakra and whole chest area expands. Your body's vibration raises. You feel happy, elevated, alive. You feel connected to something larger than yourself. Loving, therefore, is really a gift to yourself--not to the object of your affections. Sharing love promotes healing. You DO NOT have to have personal love in order to feel love. You can feel unconditional love for everyone in your life, for humanity, for your pets, for the awe-inspiring beauty of our planet, for yourself. You can take action to seek closeness with others, instead of waiting for people to come to you. The important thing is that you allow yourself to feel love. It is your natural state Expressing love attracts love from others. Get a pet and love it. Volunteer to help others. Let yourself be overwhelmed by beauty. Let your love out! It may feel scary at first, I encourage you to push past the discomfort and open your heart again. During times in my life that I have experienced grief, and it has began to consume my life, I have learned to ask for help from others who are on a Healers path. I find that it is easier to share openly and express myself freely with someone who is familiar with ENERGY and spiritual meanings of what I am suffering with and have the ability to hold sacred space as I heal and shift into balance and harmony. Heartache and grief do not have to be your final designation. Reach out for assistance and be guided as you Release, release, release and shift into balance and harmony within your mind, body, spirit, soul. Many blessings to you, and tons of love, kristy lee I started working with the energies of AMAZONITE during the summer solstice and I must say that this stone is really a cool stone!
It has a really nice soothing energy that calms the mind and central nervous system and aligns the aura and physical body. It is great for both the heart and throats chakras and encourages loving communication. It is known to soothe emotional trauma, alleviates worry and fear and dispels negative energy and aggravation. Physically, AMAZONITE dissolves negative energy and blockages within the nervous system. It helps to relieve muscle spasms and is helpful with osteoporosis, tooth decay, calcium deficiency, and calcium deposits. It is also known to balance left and right hemispheres of the brain bringing in the inner twin flame union and opening up being able to see both sides or a problem with different points of view! I am sending a couple of these beauties out in the morning and am really looking forward to receiving feedback from their new home! AMOZONITE is also helpful for buffering the energies that create a disruption pattern from computers and cell phones!!! |
© 2011 All Rights Reserved Wheels of Light- Kristy Lee
AuthorKristy Lee is a Intuitive Energy Practicionor who is a strong channel. She writes as a way of giving her experiences a voice to bring forth Healing unto the nations. sharing her journey opens space for you to share yours. Archives
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